Stay A Step Ahead Of Burglars With These Home Security Tips – Golden Locks Inc .

Stay A Step Ahead Of Burglars With These Home Security Tips

Burglars, intruders, thieves, call them what you will, but never give them an easy ride when it comes to breaking into your home. Sadly, such people are always on the look-out for new properties to steal from and are always developing new tricks and techniques for planning and carrying out burglaries. However, with these tips, bungling a burglar’s plans has never been easier, and there is no reason why your home should fall prey to unwanted guests:


  • NEVER allow strangers into your home without being sure of their identity:

Some of us may not feel comfortable asking for identification when a person (or persons) ring our doorbell telling us that they’re from the gas company, they’re a heating engineer has come to deliver a parcel, but if they’re genuine, they won’t have a problem showing you a piece of identification and will welcome you calling their company to check. Naivety has seen many people lose their valuable belongings or fall prey to fraudsters, so never underestimate the importance of knowing who is accessing your property and why.

  • Don’t make it easy for them:

There may have been a time when it was safe to leave a key under a mat or pot plant, but burglars and intruders are wise to this now, and they will be one of the first places they look under if they’re planning to break into your home. It’s also a good idea to ask parcel delivery companies not to leave packages in front of your door; this not only indicates that there is nobody home, but your parcel stands a good chance of being pinched too!

  • Do NOT scrimp on your security systems:

Good, strong and fully functioning locks are essential, and if you’re in any doubt as to whether your locks are working properly or are secure enough, then you should speak to your local locksmith for advice and guidance. Only when your locks are good enough, can you begin thinking about other home security systems such as burglar alarms and home surveillance cameras? If all of these are in place and working properly, be sure to keep a regular check on them to make sure they’re functioning and haven’t been tampered with.

  • Talk to your neighbours:

While neighborhood watch groups have been the butt of many jokes over the years, getting to know who lives next door to you can be extremely valuable. If you or your neighbour have noticed anyone lurking around and looking suspicious, you can inform each other and be on high alert.

Investing in good, strong locks, buying a home surveillance and security system, being alert to strangers loitering in the area and getting to know your neighbours, are all great ways of ensuring that your home isn’t attractive to burglars, and if you’re sensible and don’t underestimate the potential risks, you should be able to keep yourself, your family and neighbours, safe and secure.

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