How To Burglar Proof Your Home – Golden Locks Inc .

How To Burglar Proof Your Home

In the U.S alone, a whopping 3.7 million burglaries happen every year, and in many of those cases, at least one member of the household was inside the property when the crime occurred (some fell victim to violence in the process of catching the intruder unawares or defending their property, belongings and/or family members). The reality is that you’re only safe in your home, if you’ve been proactive with attempts to make it burglar-proof, and are savvy about the potential risks.

Below are a few statistics that make the reality of the situation sink in:

  • Your home is more likely to be burgled during the day, and typically between the hours of 6am and 6pm.
  • Fewer than 20% of all U.S. homes have an adequate security system in place
  • If your home doesn’t have adequate security, you’re a shocking 300% more times likely to be burgled
  • Burglars use simple tools such as pry bars, screwdrivers and hammers
  • If you rent your home, you’re more likely to be targeted by criminals than homeowners
  • More than half of all burglaries are carried out by individuals familiar with the homeowner in some way

For more detailed information and guidance for protecting your home, and preventing yourself from becoming another frightening statistic, schedule a consultation with a local, licensed locksmith; to help give you some ideas in the meantime, here are a few burglar-proofing tips for your home:

Get to know your local, licensed locksmith

This is one of the first steps you should take when thinking about the security of your home (or business), not just because then you’ll know who to turn to in an emergency, but also because they can carry out an assessment of the existing security measures in your home, and advise you as to whether they can be improved in any way.

Where necessary, upgrade your locks

Even if you don’t consult with a locksmith but you know your locks are old or damaged, get them professionally replaced as soon as possible. Think also about the locks on your windows and whether those are secure enough to keep intruders out.

Install a motion-sensor security light

This is one of the simplest, cheapest and most effective additional security measures homeowners can take to protect their property, but it’s important to note that a security light alone isn’t always enough to deter a hardened or desperate criminal.

Keep precious or important items in a fireproof safe

From expensive jewelry to important documents, while you should be doing everything you can to prevent burglars entering your home unlawfully, a safe can be useful for storing things in that might be vulnerable to an insider job. After all, nobody knows what’s worth a dime or two more than those living in your home, and the reality is that many thefts are carried out by family members and acquaintances, every year.

If you live in a high-crime area, or are concerned that your home may not be as secure as you’d like it to be, talk to your local locksmith about steps you can take to burglar-proof your home.
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