5 Ways to Secure Your New Home – Golden Locks Inc .

5 Ways to Secure Your New Home

Moving into a new home can be an exciting time, but it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement, and forget about keeping you, your family and your new home, safe.

One of the most important things you should do when you move home is to conduct a thorough security assessment of the entire property, including the yard, garage and any other buildings belonging to the property, and if possible, try to do this before you move in, that way you can address any potential concerns before you begin living in it. You can also seek help from a security expert such as your local locksmith, who will be able to check the entire property and help you upgrade or replace any locks or security systems should it be necessary.

Below are some simple but highly effective tips for keeping your new home as secure as possible, at all times:

Keep your doors locked…all the time!

Such a simple thing to do, but one so many either forget to do, or don’t think necessary to do. Locking your home while you’re not in it is of course essential, but you should also keep it locked when you’re inside, especially if you’re upstairs and might not be alerted to an unwelcome visitor entering through an unlocked door.

Give your front entrance a clear view

Trees or shrubs that may provide cover for a burglar or intruder trying to gain unlawful entry to your home, should be removed or significantly trimmed back so that you (and anyone passing or living nearby) has a clear view of all your entranceways.

Keep valuable out of sight

Again, such a simple tip, but one so many forget to do, or don’t think necessary. Window shopping is a real hobby for thieves, and showing off the expensive items that lie within your home, may prove too tempting to a thief, and a determined thief, is a dangerous one. Keep valuable items out of sight or close your drapes and pull down your blinds when you’re not at home or are in bed.

Make burglars believe someone is home

Even if you’re only going to be away for one night, if a burglar gets the impression that your home is vacant, they won’t hesitate to try and break in. Some simple ways of helping to make your home looked lived in is to set a timer on some of your lights or lamps and ask a neighbor to remove mail that might be building up in your mailbox.

Invest in high quality locks and a home security system

High quality locks are every homeowner’s first line of defense, and your local locksmith will be able to advise you as to whether yours need upgrading or replacing. You could also invest in a self-monitored or company-monitored security system if you’re looking for more advanced security, and again, your local locksmith will be able to talk through the systems that would work best for you.

You didn’t move home to become the victim of a burglary, and investing in home security is always worthwhile, so pop in to your local locksmiths or schedule a home assessment to make sure your new life in your new home, doesn’t become compromised.

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